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Our mission...

is to purify Londons air and water whilst providing Londoners with a cleaner and safer environment for cycling and walking along garden paths and riverside views. This is an environmental proposal, a visionary solution to tackle London’s pollution and sewage overload whilst creating an environmental legacy for the city. A new, dedicated

green route

Thames Embankment GREEN ROUTE HI-RES_edi

Giving Londoners greener, cleaner, safe new routes for walking & cycling.

Cleaning Air of Nitrogen Dioxide and particulates in London’s city streets.

Removing pollution from Combined Sewer storm Overflows (CSOs) and
Greenhouse Gasses from London’s ancient sewerage system.

Creating £1billion of ‘new land value’ to add to Londoners real estate.

All financed by restoring Londons iconic river to the pristine ecology necessary
for salmon to run upriver to their historic spawning grounds.

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By constructing a linear series of BioRecycle biomass recycling bio-filtration  treatment plants, to continuously treat a base of load sewage producing a high quality low or zero ammonia effluent, improving the quality and flow whilst protecting the Tideway from storm overflows. At the same time providing a dedicated cycleway along the Thames’ embankments. 

The solution of providing high quality treatment, the Bio-Recycle way, gives the opportunity to provide a dedicated pedestrian and cycle route along Londoners Thames as a worthy 21st century successor to Bazalgette’s 1860 sewers along the Tideway Embankment. 

Through living walls made of biorecycle modules, crystal clear clean water constantly trickles into the river bed, restoring the Thames to the pristine ecology necessary for sea trout and salmon to run again to their historic spawning grounds. 

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Giving Londoners safe dedicated elegant bridges across the Thames for cyclists and pedestrians. 

The London green route provides a safe motor vehicle free dedicated pedestrian and cycle route through gardens along the Thames Embankment and over strategically placed elegant lightweight bridges crossing the Thames with pedestrian-only access to the Garden Islands, creating a unique visitors viewing area and a natural wildlife friendly environment encouraging native birds and fish. 

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Cleaning central London's air under a garden island and nature reserve in the Thames Tideway.

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Through Bio-filtration the garden island offers an attractive technique and solution for the elimination of low levels of fine particles, nitrogen oxides and other air pollutants, arising from petrol and diesel-powered vehicles and heating fuel emissions. 

At an estimated building cost of under £1billion the Londongreenroute BioRecycleway and Garden Islands would get a return on the investment in less than 7 years, and thereafter generate an income for maintenance AND leave a surplus for environmental investment.

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Further reading

Download the full London Green Route proposal here


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© 2018 London Green Route

The Intellectual property in the Biomass Recycling Sewage Treatment process as covered in European Patent Application Published 26.09.84 in Bulletin 84/39 and UK Patent GB 2 136 791 granted solely to Geoffrey Harold Jensen 24th September 1987 remains, under EU law, the legal property of Geoff Jensen t/a BioRecycle. 

All copyrights remain Geoff Jensen. Illustrations © Elaine Vigar 

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