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bridges islands
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Giving Londoners safe dedicated elegant bridges across the Thames for cyclists and pedestrians.  

The BIO-RECYCLE bridges & islands offer an attractive technique and solution for the elimination of low levels of fine particles, nitrogen oxides and other air pollutants, arising from petrol and diesel powered vehicles, and heating fuel emissions. 

The London green route provides a safe motor vehicle free dedicated pedestrian and cycle route through gardens along the Thames Embankment and over strategically placed elegant lightweight bridges crossing the Thames with pedestrian-only access to the Garden Islands to create a unique visitors viewing area and a natural wildlife friendly environment encouraging native birds and fish. 

The Garden Island and Bridge economically provide a solution to traffic related air pollution, by transferring air gathered from low level intake points in street kerbs via the drains to CSOs to the BioreCycleway, and via ducts within the pedestrian and cycle bridge deck to the Garden island, built over BioRecycle biomass recycling bio-filtration sewage treatment plants where the air borne pollutants are adsorbed and treated along with the sewage pollutants. 

Cleaning central London's air under a garden island and creating a unique view point and nature reserve in the Thames Tideway.

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Tidal Energy Green Power

Please bear with us - we are working on this... 







River Thames, London
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